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A comparison service for you who are a pet owner

Tecknasmart.se is a website where you can easily compare animal insurance completely free of charge. The service is suitable for you who are a new or existing pet owner who wants to be able to quickly and easily compare different animal insurance policies. Finding insurance for your pet can be tricky as it is not entirely easy to understand the differences between the different insurance options.

With TecknaSmart, we have made it easy for you to get all relevant information. With our comparison service, you can easily take advantage of all insurance terms so that you can find the best animal insurance for your pet. Never before has it been so easy for you as a pet owner to find the right insurance.

Why is it important to have animal insurance?

A good animal insurance is needed to protect your animal and avoid expensive costs for sudden and unexpected events. Taking an uninsured animal to the vet can be significantly more expensive than many people think. In some cases, the pet owner does not have the opportunity to pay for the veterinary visit, which can end sadly.

With an animal insurance, you avoid ending up in a situation where you have to decide whether you have the finances to pay for the care that your animal needs. If you choose not to take out animal insurance, you should make sure that you have a substantial buffer so that you can afford to pay for the veterinary visits.

It is difficult to say exactly how much a veterinary visit costs because it depends on what care is needed and how long it takes. As veterinary care has become increasingly advanced, costs have also increased. A regular MRI examination for cats and dogs can cost more than SEK 10,000 and then it is only to make a diagnosis. Cruciate ligament injuries or removal of swallowed objects can cost up to SEK 30,000. Larger treatments can cost twice as much or even more, which not all pet owners are aware of.

In principle, it always pays to have good animal insurance. In addition to the fact that it is usually cheaper in the long run, it also reduces stress if your pet has an accident or illness. The insurance gives you as a pet owner a sense of security. Your pet is part of the family and with good insurance you can always think of the best interests of the animal.

To consider when choosing animal insurance

There is a lot to think about when you take out animal insurance. There are many different insurance companies that attract with good offers, but it is important to read the fine print to take advantage of all the terms and exceptions. We at TecknaSmart allow you to easily access all information.

Note! Insurance companies apply exemption rules, which means that insurances do not cover certain things.

The most important thing is to always start from your and your pet’s situation. The choice of insurance should be based, among other things, on which animal is to be insured, your finances and the environment you are in. If your animal participates in competitions, exhibitions or breeding, a different type of insurance may be needed than for ordinary pets. In other words, each insurance situation is unique.

Dog owner

In principle, it always pays to have good animal insurance. In addition to the fact that it is usually cheaper in the long run, it also reduces stress if your pet has an accident or illness. The insurance gives you as a pet owner a sense of security. Your pet is part of the family and with good insurance you can always think of the best interests of the animal.

The dog is man’s best friend, it is said, and for many it is a given to have good dog insurance. To find the best one, it is important that you start from your four-legged friend. Different dogs need different types of insurance depending on whether they are used for something more than company. Dogs used for the following almost always need a special insurance:

  • Hunting
  • Assistance
  • Competition and exhibition
  • Police work or similar work
  • Breeding

For example, it is possible to add a usability insurance that provides compensation if you can no longer use the dog for its purposes. When hunting or other dangerous work situations, you can also take out a special life insurance for the dog.

Here you can subscribe to https://tecknasmart.se/hundforsakring and compare different prices.

Small animal owners

Even small animals need good insurance. The small animals category includes rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, chinchillas, turtles, rats, mini pigs and many other smaller animals. The category is relatively large and therefore the insurances differ depending on which animal you have.

To calculate the price of a small animal insurance, you must, among other things, state the animal’s breed and age. Also think about how much you are willing to pay and how comprehensive insurance you want. A small animal insurance gives you security because you know that your little animal receives the care needed in the event of an accident or illness.

Which insurance companies offer animal insurance?

In Sweden, there are several good insurance companies that offer animal insurance for dogs, cats, horses and small animals. Compared with many other types of insurance, however, there are relatively few companies with animal insurance.

The different insurance players have advantages and disadvantages and therefore you should always compare the different offers. Some of the insurance companies cooperate with each other, which provides similar conditions. Trygg Hansa, for example, has an animal insurance policy taken out via Sveland.

In the list below you will see the usual insurance companies that offer animal insurance. In the list you will find links to each company’s dog insurance, but most players also offer cat, horse and small animal insurance.

Which animal insurance is best?

Finding the best insurance for your pet can be a bit tricky as there are many factors that play a role. In addition, there are quite a few different insurance companies, which makes it important to compare the range. We want to make it easier for you to choose the best animal insurance for you and your animal.


The best protection for your animal

The best insurance for your particular animal is the one that meets all your requirements and wishes. Since many different factors, such as animal age and age, must be taken into account, different animal insurances are very different.

The best insurance for you and your pet can look completely different compared to other pet owners’ insurance policies. Therefore, it is extremely important that you always start from your particular situation and your pet’s needs when choosing insurance.


The best protection for your animal

The best insurance for your particular animal is the one that meets all your requirements and wishes. Since many different factors, such as animal age and age, must be taken into account, different animal insurances are very different.

The best insurance for you and your pet can look completely different compared to other pet owners’ insurance policies. Therefore, it is extremely important that you always start from your particular situation and your pet’s needs when choosing insurance.

FAQ animal insurance - what is important to think about?

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about animal insurance.

Vad borde jag tänka på när jag köper försäkring?

När du står i begrepp att köpa en försäkring så bör du först och främst försäkra att du har fyllt i rätt uppgifter. Du kan med fördel se till att dubbelkolla att du verkligen har försäkrat rätt objekt, liksom att du har uppgett rätt försäkringstagare. När du tecknar en försäkring genom TecknaSmart så kommer du alltid att erhålla en försäkringsbekräftelse. Ta gärna även då en extra titt för att kontrollera att alla uppgifter på försäkringen är riktiga. Du bör även vara noga med att din försäkring köps från rätt startdatum.  Om du byter ut en existerande försäkring ska du även se till att säga upp denna, så att du slipper vara dubbelförsäkrad.

När kan jag byta försäkringsbolag?

I regel så kan du endast avsluta din nuvarande försäkring på försäkringsavtalets huvudförfallodag, vilket sker en gång per år. Genom att jämföra försäkringar och villkor på TecknaSmart så kan du stå redo och rustad för när denna dagen infaller. Du kan dock köpa en ny försäkring när som helst med start på nästkommande huvudförfallodag. Utöver detta så kan du naturligtvis teckna en försäkring med start innan huvudförfallodagen för din förra försäkring, men detta innebär att du blir dubbelförsäkrad. Du hittar generellt ditt huvudförfallodatum på ditt senaste försäkringsbrev, eller genom att ta kontakt med ditt existerande försäkringsbolag.

Kan ni byta försäkring åt mig?

Om du redan har en existerande försäkring för det relevanta försäkringsobjektet som du är intresserad av att byta ut mot en ny försäkring så kan du säga upp denna försäkring. Detta beror på att din försäkring är ett avtal mellan dig och det relevanta försäkringsbolaget. Därigenom är det endast du eller ditt försäkringsbolag som kan bestämma att upphäva det avtalet – inte TecknaSmart, vilket i detta fall blir en oberörd tredjepart.

A comparison service for you who are a pet owner

Tecknasmart.se is a website where you can easily compare animal insurance completely free of charge. The service is suitable for you who are a new or existing pet owner who wants to be able to quickly and easily compare different animal insurance policies. Finding insurance for your pet can be tricky as it is not entirely easy to understand the differences between the different insurance options.

With TecknaSmart, we have made it easy for you to get all relevant information. With our comparison service, you can easily take advantage of all insurance terms so that you can find the best animal insurance for your pet. Never before has it been so easy for you as a pet owner to find the right insurance.